Security Tips

Important Security Tips for Safe Computing

In this article, we’ll disseminate a few security tips, the must-follow steps to protect yourself from malware and other digital threats.  If you think that you can never be a victim of cyber-crime, it’s probably a good time for you to reconsider. With…
Security Tips

Important Security Tips for Working From Home

The outbreak of COVID-19 has put everyone in a lockdown situation forcing them to work-from-home on a full-time basis. Working from home is an unfamiliar concept to most of the people, and can put even the most prepared people in unavoidable circumstances. Here are a few…
Security Tips

What is phishing and how to avoid it?

Let’s take a look at phishing and how can we avoid it. Phishing refers to tricking users to gain access to private information of people such as their usernames, passwords, credit card information, etc. Phishing attempts are masterminded by cyber attackers who…